Media-separated piston valves

Media-separated piston valves feature a particularly robust design and are available with coaxial flow or angle flow, in 2/2- and 3/2-way versions with a pneumatically actuated piston actuator.

Media-separated piston valves

In media-separated piston valves, a pivoted lever in conjunction with the membrane fitted on it ensures low-friction power transmission with high tightness. Due to the “lever arm effect”, only a small dimensioned pneumohydraulic drive is required.

In mediengetrennten Kolbenventilen sorgt ein schwenkbar gelagerter Hebel in Verbindung mit der darauf aufgestülpten Membrane für eine reibungsarme Kraftübertragung bei hoher Dichtigkeit.


Wide range of membrane materials

Can be used for a wide variety of applications.

Uniform flow

Functional without pressure surges to fluids.

Suitable for contaminated media

Easy to disassemble and quick to clean.

What can we do for you?

AVS Römer GmbH & Co. KG
Reismühle 3
94481 Grafenau
Tel: +49 8552 4076 0

AVS Römer GmbH & Co. KG
Reismühle 3
94481 Grafenau
Tel: +49 8552 4076 0